Sunday 31 August 2014

ARTICLES - GARY BARLOW Clive James Show, UK, 27th April 97

Clive James Show, UK, 27th April 97

C.J.: Gary Barlow. (Gary enters the stage and sits down)

C.J.: So Gary you've come pretty well full circle because you started out on your own didn't you?

G.B.: Do I really have to tell you!

C.J.: Confess.

G.B.: I started playing when I was about eleven I used to be a pianist and by the time I was sixteen and just about to drive my own car I had an act of my own. I used to do some embarrassing things, I used to sings songs like Phantom of The Opera, my mum made me a cape once.

C.J.: Phantom cape?

G.B.: Phantom cape, I didn't need the mask!

C.J.: Did you lug your own gear in those days you must have had a lot of stuff?

G.B.: There was my Ford Orion, was full of gear right up to the roof. I arrived at this club one night, it was in Liverpool actually, and pulled up at the front and got to the guy at the front desk and said "Where shall I bring me gear in?" He said "Oh bring your car round the back son, no problem". And I took me gear in that way and did my first spot. But me Nan lived about 15 minutes down the road so I thought 'Beautiful, I'll go and see me Nan in the break'. Got out in the car and it had been raining, windscreen wipers shifting the rain off, put it into first gear ready to pull away and the wheels spinned. I thought 'Wow that felt good', you know Miami Vice had been around at the time. So I put it into first gear and span it a bit harder. It was really going at this point, within the next ten minutes I was revving up to 40 mph, spinning the car 180, reverse 180. Anyway I realised I'd spent all this time doing the Dukes of Hazard I'd better get back in the club. So I went back in the club and did me dance spot. Are you keeping up with this? (Laughs) I went back in the club, end of the night - fantastic night - and I said to the same guy "Where do I get my gear out?" and he said "Where are you parked, on the bowling green?". "Bowling Green!" I'm telling you I've never put my gear back in the car so fast I still had the wires in!

C.J.: So how did you get your big break?

G.B.: I went to see a guy called Nigel who was our manager. I went with a guy called Mark, you know Mark Owen. We met Howard and Jason there and for a time we were four members, Take That four members. Then Nigel said 'I think we need another member guys', and I said "No, we don't need another member" and he goes "No I think we should get another person". I said "No, it will only end it tears Nige you shouldn't bother!" And anyway there you go.

C.J.: When did you realise it was going to happen for Take That?

G.B.: Oh it was many different times. Do you know I remember the first time we went abroad because not all of us had been abroad before, and it was like 'We're going to Spain, who are we on with? The Village People....GREAT! FANTASTIC!" It was brilliant and I thought at that point when we started going abroad that we were going to get somewhere.

C.J.: Your fans were obsessed with you?

G.B.: I think when we first went on tour I got many surprises, not only from the amount people waiting round the hotel but the different types of people. I mean we used to have security with us everywhere, and I don't know if anyone remembers and I'd done this video, I don't know if anyone remembers it here, but I described a recipe for Banoffi Pie on it, 'Anyone remember?' (Audience yell "yes"). You do, thanks mum, I made Banoffi Pie on this video and I couldn't be bothered to wait for security to go to breakfast one morning, so I just got in this lift. So we're on the fifth floor, it stops at the fourth and I thought "Oh no I hope its not going to be a lift full of fans'. Anyway this huge guy got in he was about 6'6" wearing a leather jacket with tattoos down his arms, I thought "Eh I'll watch out for this fella". Anyway we hit the ground floor and he turned to me and said (assumes soft feminine voice) "I made Banoffi Pie last night Gary!' I couldn't believe it!

C.J.: Did the fans really surprise you?

G.B.: Never surprise me, they were always banging on my hotel door trying to get out of me room. (Audience break into laughter).

C.J.: You always had a big reputation as the musician behind the band, but the fans, shall I put this delicately weren't always screaming for you, why was that?

G.B.: I don't know really, I think you stand anybody next to those four good looking guys and you will always look out of place. I used to be entertained because I would stand on stage at concerts, and we'd look out and they would always make these brilliant banners, "Howard show us your pierced nipple", "Jason show us your bum", "Mark give us a sexy dance", "Robbie throw your sweat this way", "Gary we love your music man!"

C.J.: Did it hurt?

G.B.: Not at all!

C.J.: And did you lead the pop star life to the full? What did you spend your money on?

G.B.: I bought a little bungalow up in Cheshire.

C.J.: You mad spendthrift you.

G.B.: I went for it that week!

C.J.: Do you stay in touch with the other guys?

G.B.: I do I see them all the time. Jason's my neighbour I see him all the time. Howard I see at least once a week.

C.J.: Each of you in your own bungalow

G.B.: (Laughs) That's right.

C.J.: Well Gary you've done so much already but I know you have one big ambition left.

G.B.: Do you know I really do have an ambition - I want to sing with Marguerita.

C.J.: Well Gary your great dream is about to come true. Let me just say before you join Marguerita, let me just say how much I've enjoyed talking to you. Thank you very much Gary Barlow.

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