Tuesday 26 August 2014


This was an odd month as it started off with my face being plastered over The Sun newspaper for two days in a row. Yes, it's true to say that I gave an interview to the Sun because they were huge supporters of the group and they, along with a lot of other papers, had put in a request for an interview with me. I don't really like talking about my private life but of course the tabloids do their best to find out what you get up to in your spare time and if you don't want to talk about it there is always someone waiting to expose you. Anyway, that said, I did the interview and mentioned a few skeletons that were in the cupboard but I couldn't believe they made such a meal out of a few comments about my past life nor that it made headline news for two days in a row. One minute they're writing that I'm all washed up and the next minute they pull everything out of context and it seems they can't devote enough space to you - do you ever get those moments when you wish you could crawl under a stone and stay there???? 
Anyway, at least the month ended with some highlights. I filmed all the bits for my enhanced CD Rom which was great fun (watch the funny moment on the piano when you exit the CD Rom) and I also went down to deepest Surrey to present a cheque to The Rainbow Trust. It's so uplifting and rewarding meeting the families and children who are associated with this Trust and I can only hope that the small amount of time that I spend with them is of some use. By the way, I handed over the cheque with the interest from the tour tickets so thanks to all of you because it is your money and, believe me, it has gone to a brilliant cause. 

You can read all the entries of the Diary here


  1. More I read these diary entries more I love and admire him. Even though it's so painful for me to read them I'm glad that they are stored and now years later they're published again. Thanks for sharing them. xx
